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Wharton Club of Israel

The Wharton Club launches a new full-tuition fellowship for Israeli Wharton students
$10 Million Gift from Foundation Established by Yuri and Julia Milner Creates Full-Tuition MBA Fellowship for Israeli Wharton Students...

Wharton Global Modular Course in cooperation with Collar Program at Tel Aviv University
This is the 7th year in a row that the unique course deals with lessons and insights that can be learned from the Israeli innovation...

Wharton Professor Amir Yaron appointed to be the bank of Israel head
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nominated Amir Yaron, a finance professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton school of...

Wharton Professors explore Israeli innovation
Israel is a country known for innovations in technology. According to a recent Knowledge@Wharton article, it ranks second only to China...

Wharton Launches the Israel Conference
At the annual Wharton Israel conference last Friday, attendees were given an inside look into the international rescue effort that saved...

Why Wharton Produces more Billionaires than any other school in the world?
The University of Pennsylvania in the US is ranked at the top of the list of universities in the world with the largest number of...
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