Wharton Club of Israel

Wharton Executive Education
Wharton Executive Education offers leaders of global organizations an unparalleled opportunity to expand the business capabilities of executives at all levels. Designed to deliver the latest business knowledge for immediate impact, Wharton Executive Education programs are informed by the in-depth academic research and extensive industry experience of our world-class faculty.
Experience Wharton LIVE Virtual Programs
We offer a roster of 35+ Wharton LIVE programs in mission-critical areas of finance, marketing, leadership, strategy, and innovation. And, no matter which programs you choose, all our Wharton LIVE online programs offer you:
​Small Group Enrollment
A powerful way to maximize learning is to send multiple executives, including small teams, to a Wharton program. Receive tuition benefits when you send four or executives to an open enrollment program.
Looking for a customized program for your organization?
We can collaborate with you to design programs that reflect your organizational strategy and corporate culture, and deliver on your business goals. Contact Tamar Schlachet, Regional Director, for more details.​
Lifelong Learning for Wharton Alumni
All Wharton and Penn alumni receive a 25% discount on select Wharton Executive Education programs. Also, Wharton MBA and EMBA graduates from the Class of 2010 and subsequent years are eligible to attend one Executive Education open-enrollment program at no charge every seven years. Learn more.​
For more information, please contact:
Direct interaction with Wharton faculty – in real time – with business knowledge you can use now
Personal connection with global peers with a maximum class size of 40 to 45 people for a high degree of collaboration and ample networking
Structured curriculum that leverages technology to bring the best of Wharton’s on-campus experience into the virtual classroom
Powerful knowledge that is rigorous, challenging, and proven for learning and focused on results
Tamar Schlachet
Regional Director, Israel & India
Wharton Executive Education